For sustaining revenue and profit after selling products or services, break-even analysis is important. It can help you understand whether your unit’s selling price will cover the cost or not. That is how you can make adjustments and revise the selling strategy. To address all these issues, we have designed a simple and user-friendly break-even analysis template on a Microsoft Excel sheet. It is completely edible and comes with a professionally pre-built layout to save you time and energy.
Template Breakdown:
As you can see in the image below, we have included all the critical components to calculate breakeven. We have segregated the template into three sections. The first one is allocated for outlining the fixed and variable costs in their respective tables. You can easily add information in the relevant columns and get the sum of fixed and variable costs within seconds due to built-in formulas. In the second chunk of this break-even analysis sheet, you will be able to find out the number of selling units or revenue to generate for break-even. However, the third and last section encompasses a note section with a chart to visually display the point at which you will achieve breakeven. That is how this amazing tool will aid in setting profit goals, making strategies, and making wise decisions for management.
If you want to edit this break-even analysis template online or instantly download it, here are the links.